Harry Potter: A Look Back

Harry Potter: It All Ends

Please see the video below for the touching ending to the 10 years of incredible work done by the
Harry Potter cast and crew.

Harry Potter: It All Ends

Emotional Goodbyes

J.K. Rowling, Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint Give Emotional Goodbye to 'Potter' Series

J.K. Rowling, Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint Give Emotional Goodbye to 'Potter' Series

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

School District Bans 'Half-Blood Prince'

A California school district banned Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince from their libraries yesterday, and their reason ranks as one of the more creative (and misguided) we've heard:

the Harry Potter books are fantasy, and "we want books to be things that children would be able to relate to in real life," teacher Marlene Olivarez.

Olivarez also said that she did not feel the Harry Potter books "build character, give kids enjoyment, and encourage reading."


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