Harry Potter: A Look Back

Harry Potter: It All Ends

Please see the video below for the touching ending to the 10 years of incredible work done by the
Harry Potter cast and crew.

Harry Potter: It All Ends

Emotional Goodbyes

J.K. Rowling, Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint Give Emotional Goodbye to 'Potter' Series

J.K. Rowling, Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint Give Emotional Goodbye to 'Potter' Series

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Big News! JKR Writes New Harry Potter Prequel for Charity Auction

The Great J.K RowlingHang on everyone, as there is some rather big news tonight regarding that notecard that J.K. Rowling has written for a charity auction in June. MSNBC is reporting tonight that the note card is actually "an 800-word Harry Potter prequel." The only other information on this new material regarding the beloved Harry Potter series is that "Rowling used both sides of her card to hand-write a prequel to her seven-book Harry Potter saga."

The report goes on to say "Organizers refused to comment on the content of Rowling's Harry Potter prequel, but Hogwarts fans hoping for another book to add to their collection may be disappointed by her signoff."From the prequel I am not working on — but that was fun!'' Rowling wrote.

Rowling has previously said she had no plans to write another Potter novel, but in December she sold a handwritten, leather-bound book of fairy tales she described as drawing on the series' themes, for nearly $4 million at auction. The money went to The Children's Voice, a charity Rowling co-founded in 2005."

As a reminder, this card is part of a charity auction to be held at Waterstone's Book seller in London, England June 10, proceeds to benefit English PEN and Dyslexia Action. As we reported previously, the card will be published along with the 12 other authors who contributed to the charity auction,with the book due on sale in August,w ith the cards to be posted online starting June 11, including this new Harry Potter prequel from J.K. Rowling.
The Telegraph cites a rep from Waterstone's as saying: Gerry Johnson, the managing director of Waterstone's, said: "We never dreamed that JK Rowling would donate something so precious, and we're incredibly grateful." Fans unable to meet the bidding price for the prequel need not fret, however. The day after the auction, a facsimile of the story will be displayed in Waterstone's branches and on its website. More when we get it!


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